First Year Advising Checklist

Know WHAT you need to know WHEN you need to know it!

These First-Year Advising pages will direct you to some really useful information designed to help orient new students to advising related matters and prepare you to enroll in your fall classes.  

To ensure a smooth enrollment experience, please read the follwing before your Summer Orientation day and enrollment appointment:

New Student Advising: Frosh
- Enrollment Appointments
Proposed Majors and Undecided Majors: Getting Started in Your Major
- The College Core and Academic Literacy Curriculum
Understand UCSC's Graduation Requirements
- Academic Support Resources and Cowell College Advising 

- Winter Quarter Advising Checklist

Next Steps

Summer Orientation:

  • For students attending Orientation: Cowell college and each major advising office will provide you with detailed information at each Orientation session.
  • For students not attending Orientation: In addition to completing steps 1–5 above, please review the Slug Videos before enrollment.
  • We have posted the Cowell Advising Presentation (*coming soon) from Orientation online, so be sure to check that out!

If you have questions for us about any of this information, please contact Stevenson Advisin:


Phone: (831) 459-4930

The Stevenson College Core Course

  • Be sure to bring your completed assignment to your first core course meeting.

Fall Orientation & Welcome Week:

There will also be a Mandatory College Advising Presentation during Welcome Week  where we will discuss: graduation requirements, university deadlines and policies, the advising structure at UCSC, and academic resources. For those students who do not attend Summer Orientation, you will also have an opportunity to connect with your major advisers during Welcome Week.