Review of Publications

The Big Three: The Navigator, Schedule of Classes, & General Catalog

Using these three online publications, you can find most everything you need to know to be a successful UCSC student!  During your first year, you'll want to become familiar with these helpful tools.  We've highlighted a few of the important sections for you.


The Navigator contains information you'll find yourself referring to often.  A few highlights from The Navigator:

Courses that Fulfill General Education Requirements: Click here to see the only place you will find a complete list of all the courses that will fulfill your GE requirements with helpful course title included.

Bachelor's Degree Worksheet: On this page of The Navigator, you'll find a downloadable worksheet to keep track of all your requirements for graduation.


You can think of the Schedule of Classes in two parts: 1) the searchable schedule, and 2) the text pages of the schedule that contain important info about registration, enrollment, finals, general-education requirements and more. If you find yourself in the searchable schedule and want to access the text pages, you can click on the link in the upper right corner titled, “Quarterly Fees, Deadlines and Academic Policies.”
  • The Schedule of Classes for the upcoming quarter becomes available during the sixth week of the current quarter. In every issue you'll find the courses offered for the quarter, placement exam dates, dept. orientation dates, finals schedules, enrollment conditions for interview only courses, the academic calendar, enrollment instructions, the enrollment appointment schedule, grading policies and more.


The General Catalog can be found on the Registrar's website or in the A-Z index on the UCSC homepage. The basic info contained in the General Catalog:

Majors Offered & Major requirements: You can find a concise list of UCSC majors by clicking on the Fields of Study link on the home page of the General Catalog. Clicking on the Major Title will take you to the detailed information for that department including the program description, major requirements, courses offered in that department, and a link to the department website. This is a great way to begin researching possible majors. You can also find the same information in the Program Statements for each major. 

Official course descriptions along with the quarter the class is offered. This info can be found in the program statement pages for each major by clicking first on the department then on the “Course Descriptions” link.  "FWS" designations after the course title indicate the quarter that the course is offered; fall, winter, or spring. The official course description also lists any GE credit and prerequisites for taking the course.

Resources for Learning and Research. Learn about UCSC's excellent Research Programs and Facilities.