About the Stevenson Leadership & Activities Center

The 2023-2024 Program Assistants and OWLs

The Stevenson Leadership & Activities Center educates and develops skills for our students to survive and thrive. We are committed to preparing students to change the world. Every Stevenson frosh receives an imperative for change from their experience in the core course, and through engaging with the SLAC, they can gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to provide leadership at every level. 

The Stevenson Leadership & Activities Center is an important pathway to enhancing your community life at UCSC. Students can empower themselves through joining the Stevenson Student Council, or by applying for a leadership position at the college. The SLAC provides a variety of ways to learn and experience new cultures, skills and places.

College Nights are Back!

Our first in Fall 2024 will be Halloween themed 

Tuesday October 29!

More information to come. 

Contact the Stevenson Leadership & Activities Center

 Stevenson College Programs Coordinator, Christina Audas

caudas@ucsc.edu 831-459-3108

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