Featured Profiles
Stevenson Finals Study Break
June 6, 2022
Stevenson Winter Scholarship Recipients
May 26, 2022
Stevenson Fall Scholarship Recipients
May 26, 2022
Winter Scholarships
December 7, 2021
Summer Orientation 2017
July 24, 2017
Here is the Summer Orientation Presentation for 2017
Stevenson Commencement
February 3, 2016
The registration for Stevenson Commencement is now live!
Stevenson College Hiring
January 5, 2016
Stevenson College is hiring for a variety of roles.
Winter Assignment 2016
December 15, 2015
There is an assignment due on the first day of Core class in Winter 2016. Read here for details.
Winter Break Reading
December 12, 2014
Over the Winter Break, please read Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract and the first and second Discourses
Welcome to Stevenson 2014-15
September 13, 2014
Welcome to Stevenson! Click here for Welcome Week Information
Adlai E. Stevenson
September 18, 2013
Adlai E. Stevenson was born in Los Angeles, California, grandson of vice-president Adlai E. Stevenson I.
Profile Summaries
April 17, 2013
Here is a collection of what current Stevenson students have to say about their College.
Spring Stevenson Provost Duties
April 10, 2013
During Spring 2013 Quarter, Jaye Padgett and Alice Yang will be sharing the duties of Provost of Stevenson College.
Stevenson Facebook
August 31, 2012
Stevenson now has an official Facebook Page and Twitter. Feel free to join and learn about programs, deadlines and news at the college
Stevenson Student Council
December 12, 2011
As the voice of Stevenson students, Stevenson Student Council makes decisions that impact us all
Sonja Banks
November 11, 2011
Sonja has this to say about what makes Stevenson students different from other students at UCSC, "Stevenson students come from many diverse backgrounds and contribute their experiences to foster a community of fun and acceptance. They are creative, adventurous, talented, curious, and incredibly friendly. During my freshman year, I received invaluable advice and friendship from Stevenson upperclassmen."
Mike Alonge
November 3, 2011
As an Resident Advisor, founder of the Humanist Alliance of Stevenson (HAS), and a member of the Stevenson Event Staff, Mike truly embodies the Stevenson way.
Yuta S.
May 25, 2011
A recent graduate has this to say about about our Stevenson community, "It is one that I find is unique to the rest of the colleges. During my time as a student I found that my peers were very kind and always outgoing. Many of the friends that I have today were people that I lived with in House 8. I also found the Stevenson staff and faculty to be very nice and always willing to help."
Sandor C.
May 23, 2011
A third year student has this to say about Stevenson, "First and foremost the community here at Stevenson is unparalleled. Whenever I walk back into my college I feel at home. Whoever you are, and wherever you’re from, there is a spot for you at Stevenson. I also have to say the two quarter core class, unique to Stevenson, is great because it helps you academically (two quarters of core knocks off a lot of GEs) and socially (you meet people throughout the college that might not have happened otherwise)."
Samantha V.
May 19, 2011
A first year student mentioned this about college life at Stevenson, "So many times before I came to college, friends and family constantly reminded me: “professors don’t care about students in college—there is no longer personal relationships between the staff/faculty and students.” Stevenson has absolutely changed this expectation of mine about what my college experience would be like! Stevenson staff/faculty consists of an amazing group of enthusiastic, helpful people."
Stevenson student presents paper at Harvard
May 2, 2011
Spencer Glasgow, a third-year Stevenson student, was selected along with two other UC Santa Cruz students to present papers at the ninth annual Harvard Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium on April 9th and 10th, 2011.
John Laird to give commencement address
May 2, 2011
The 2010-11 Stevenson College commencement keynote address will be delivered by John Laird, California Secretary for Natural Resources, on June 12, 2011.
Carolina R.
April 11, 2011
A Senior mentioned this about our Core Course, "The most important thing that I got from taking the Core Course at Stevenson was learning about the different roles that people play to make a society and the different ways that society helps shape who we are. I enjoyed reading about important people that have made a difference in society, it was very inspiring."