Provost & Senior Director Welcome

Welcome to Adlai E. Stevenson College!

UCSC sets out to provide an education in the liberal arts and sciences, recognizing that an excellent education goes beyond the classroom and into society at large. At UC Santa Cruz, the focus of the academic program is on creative thought and analysis. Gaining experience in creative problem-solving and critical scholarship is one of the ways that UCSC students prepare for successful careers.

Stevenson is a community of scholars dedicated both to self-development and the development of a community.  It is a community that welcomes, fosters, and thrives on diversity. It is where self and society meet. At Stevenson, academic issues are important outside as well as inside the classroom and thus become relevant to our students’ personal lives.  Not surprisingly, Stevenson alumni across academic disciplines are often found engaged in the development of society: e.g., working in policy organizations, staffing committees in the Senate and House of Representatives, leading citizen-based coalitions, contributing to advances in medicine, law, and technology, making important statements with their art.  These “Stevensonians” have developed in ways that maximized both their individual potential as well as their contributions to their communities.

We bestow upon you the name “Stevensonian” and wish you great success in your studies at UCSC.

As the co-leaders of Stevenson College, we are here to support your success, so please reach out to us and our team and let us know how we can support you.


Matt O'Hara, Stevenson Provost

Sarah Woodside Bury, Stevenson College Senior Director